Authors are invited to submit the manuscript by e-mail to the Editor-In-Chief (

Instructions for Authors

Publication Ethics Statement: CCPH is committed to maintain high quality publication standard using a rigorous peer review. Submission of the article means that the work reported in the manuscript is not previously published in any form or must not be currently submitted for the publication elsewhere. Any infringement of professional ethical codes, such as fraudulent use of data, plagiarism, false and claim of authorship, should be taken very seriously by the editor with zero tolerance.

Manuscript Types

Letters are very short papers that report novel results to the scientific community. They are limited to 4000 words or the equivalent (15-16 double-spaced typewritten pages of text, 3–4 figures, and 1–2 schemes/illustrations). A brief abstract of fewer than 200 words should be included.

Perspectives (only by invitation) are short reports (5-6 journal pages) describing a highlighting a precise topic of attention to the scientific community They are not intended to be a full look at the field but rather to place a unambiguous research finding into broader framework. It must include a brief abstract (250 words max), approximately 50-60 references, and an Abstract graphic with short caption.

Full Papers are long papers (< 8-10 journal pages) describing a highlighting a precise topic of attention to the scientific community They are not intended to be a full look at the field but rather to place a unambiguous research finding into broader framework. It must include a brief abstract (250 words max), approximately 50-60 references, and an abstract graphic with short caption.

Manuscript submission

Author(s) are requested to submit to submit the manuscript electronically using online manuscript submission system. It will have advantage that author(s) would be able to trace their paper through the reference process. The journal will not consider any submission by e-mail. Before submitting the manuscript, authors are advised to read the term and condition of the journal. The manuscript should be arranged in the following manner: Title, author(s), affiliation (s), abstract, text, acknowledgement, and references. Author(s) may embedded figure, with the figure caption with in the manuscript to assist the reviewers. Authors also need to submit the separate figure source files. The authors are advised to submit the manuscript, in accordance with the following format.

Title: The title of the manuscript should be specific and concise.

Author(s) with affiliation(s): Affiliation(s) should contain department, university or organization, city, and country. The E-mail address, telephone and fax number of the corresponding author. The corresponding will handle correspondence at all stages of the refereeing process and post-publication.

Abstract: Abstracts should be limited to 250 words or less. Abstract should be clear and concise with significance of the work to the broad audience. Above all, the abstract ought to contain a quick background of the question, an outline of the results while not in depth experimental detail, and an outline of the importance of their findings.

Keywords: Author(s) should provide 4-6 keywords for indexing and information retrival.

Text: The paper must be divided into sections starting preferably with ‘Introduction’ and ending with ‘Conclusions’. The introduction should deliver a transparent statement of the study, the appropriate literature on the study subject along with the planned approach or resolution. This should be general enough to draw in a reader’s attention from a broad array of scientific disciplines. Describe the methods employed in sufficient detail to allow others to repeat the work. If a detailed explanation is given in a reference, readers must be able to grasp the principles of the method without referring elsewhere. Author(s) need to provide full details of the materials and equipment used. Finally a good conclusion must be given for the closure of a manuscript.

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